Try this free printable to help your twins communicate about your special family! This free resource is great for using at home or at school.

What are PECS?

Picture Exchange Communication Cards (PECS) are a form of visual communication that can be used to help autistic people express their wants and needs. They are also used by other people with communication challenges. They generally involve a system of physical picture cards that represent different items, activities, or concepts. The card is made up of pictures/symbols that represent different items or activities. These pictures can be actual photographs or simple drawings. Sometimes the cards have words associated with the image, and sometimes they do not. By pointing to or arranging PECS cards, your autistic twins can communicate with you more effectively.

PECS originated in the 1980s as a simple tool to help autistic people communicate. Originally, the autistic person gave their carer the card in order to request a certain item or activity. Over time, the system has evolved to include more complex communication skills, such as labeling, commenting and answering questions. Modern versions of PECS cards may be digital on websites, apps or communication devices.

What is great about PECS cards is that they are so versatile and adaptive. You can make your own, find free sets on the internet, or buy pre-made sets. You can use pictures that your autistic twins are familiar with such as their school or family members, or use simple drawings instead. If your twins improve their communication skills, you can update the cards to more advanced concepts. So if there are so many already available, why do we need more?

PECS cards for autistic twins, triplets and quadruplets

Despite the abundance of PECS resources out there, I was not able to find any that reflected unique families like ours. Cards did not mention twins, triplets or quadruplets, including important phrases like “twin brother”, or “triplet babies”. By using these cards, your twins, triplets or quads will be able to communicate more effectively about their family members.

Let’s get started!

If you are ready to help your autistic twins to communicate better, get started with our free autistic twins PECS cards download! The document has cards for twins, triplets and quadruplets, and two versions of each (with lighter/darker hair and skin), for a total of six pages. Choose the one that reflects your family best.

Once downloaded, you can print in either color or black and white. You may want to laminate the paper so that it lasts longer. You can also buy velcro sticky dots at your local office supply store. Put these on the back and your autistic triplets can attach them to visual timetables or charts. You could also turn them into a social story about your family, or laminate them and punch a hole to attach to a binder ring or key chain.  

Have you used PECS cards with your autistic twins? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Be sure to subscribe for the latest news and updates!

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